Barron County Med Return Drop Box Locations

Barron County Med Return Drop Box Locations

It's time for the most important spring cleaning you can do—inside your medicine cabinet.

Two out of three of teens who report abuse of prescription medicine get them from friends, family, and acquaintances according to the Partnership for Drug Free Kids. Safeguard your home so the teens don’t have access to your prescription medication.

Follow these steps to monitor, secure, and properly dispose of unused and expired prescription and over-the-counter medicine in your home:

  1. Monitor: Take note of how many pills are in each of your prescription bottles and keep track of your refills.
  2. Secure: Keep your prescriptions in a locked cabinet that teens cannot access. 
  3. Dispose: Safely dispose of expired and unused prescriptions at a designated medication drop-off site. 

In Barron County, there are Med Return drop boxes available for people to safely dispose of medications. These drop boxes are accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

“Prescription drug abuse is a problem in our area. Use these drop boxes to get unused medications out of your home and keep them out of the hands of people seeking to abuse them,” states Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald. “If you have expired medications, drop them off. When a family member dies, drop their medications off. If you have pills that you are no longer using, drop them off.”

Barron County Med Return Drop Box Locations:

  • Barron County Justice Center: 1420 State Highway 25 North, Barron, WI 54812
  • Cumberland Police Department: 950 1st Avenue, Cumberland, WI 54829
  • Rice Lake Police Department: 34 South Wilson Avenue, Rice Lake, WI 54868
  • Turtle Lake Police Department: 115 Martin Avenue, Turtle Lake, WI 54889

Med Return drop boxes will soon be available in Chetek, Cameron, and some local hospitals. 

Items that are accepted at Med Return boxes: prescription medications, controlled and non-controlled medications, over the counter medications, medication samples, vitamins, medicated ointments/lotions, and inhalers.

Items that are not accepted: needles, liquid medications, thermometers, IV bags, bloody or infectious waste, personal care products, empty containers, aerosol cans, and business waste.

For more information about Med Return drop boxes contact the Barron County Sheriff’s Department at 715-537-3106 or visit the Baron County Community Coalition website:

Keep our teens and community safe. Spring clean your medicine cabinet today. Drop off unused or expired medications at your local Med Return drop box. 

Last Update: May 04, 2017 10:45 am CDT

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