Springbrook VFW Donated $22,500 to Local Charities, Veterans & College Scholarships in 2016

Springbrook VFW Donated $22,500 to Local Charities, Veterans & College Scholarships in 2016

(News Release) -- Due to the generosity of our patrons and the support of local merchants such as Gordy's market and the Hayward Steakhouse, the 80 members of the Springbrook VFW Post 10568 were able to donate this year $22,500 to various local charities, to veterans in need, and to fund college scholarships.

Included among the donations were funds provided to all four local food pantries, the VFW National Home for Children, the Wisconsin Veterans Home at Chippewa Falls, Regional Hospice’s Catch A Dream Program, Horse Spirit, Inc.’s Equine Therapy program for Veterans and their families, and the Richard I. Bong Veterans Historical Center.

The Post also adopted the families of eighteen veterans, providing them with food for Thanksgiving and Christmas and the wherewithal to provide their children with presents during this holiday season.

The Post also wants to wish all Veterans and their families a Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year!

Last Update: Dec 14, 2016 4:08 pm CST

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