
State Senator Patty Schachtner Response To Budget Address

"The communities we serve have no interest in political games"

State Senator Patty Schachtner Response To Budget Address

(MADISON) – Wisconsin State Senator Patty Schachtner (D-Somerset) issued the following statement following Governor Tony Evers’ first budget address:

“I ran for state Senate to fight for northwestern Wisconsin communities and main street families, and as I have often said, where you put your money says a lot about your priorities. By investing in rural dental care, mental health access, and Wisconsin’s deteriorating infrastructure, the governor’s budget offers a path forward to prioritize both rural and urban communities.

“As a legislator representing a community along the Minnesota border, I know that Wisconsin residents are working longer hours for wages that trail the national average and many of our neighboring states. Long-term investments in workforce training and education are important to close this earnings gap, but short-term measures to help working families pay their bills and save for retirement are also crucial.

“I was pleased to see Governor Evers fulfill his campaign promise and propose a 10 percent tax cut for working families. I am also encouraged by the governor’s proposal to close the Dark Store loophole and protect property taxpayers. These are some of the bipartisan measures that can help working families today.

“A budget reflects our priorities. Now that the governor has proposed a budget, it is up to the legislature to meet him halfway. The communities we serve have no interest in political games – only real and responsible results.”

Last Update: Mar 01, 2019 6:53 am CST

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