Three Story Hour Options at the Spooner Library

Three Story Hour Options at the Spooner Library

Spooner Memorial Library realizes the importance of reading with children.  As such, we now have THREE story hour options at the library.

Spooner Memorial Library Spring Preschool Story Hour for ages 3-5 starts February 1st and runs from 10:00 – 11:00 am on Wednesdays for 12 weeks of FREE stories, snacks, crafts, games, and fun!  Sign up begins NOW!  Call Spooner Memorial Library at 715-635-2792 or stop in.  Drop-ins are welcome, but please call ahead.

For those who prefer an evening story time - Thursday Night Bedtime Stories will be starting again February 2nd from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays for 12 weeks.  Bring your kiddos in their pajamas for a FREE evening of bedtime stories and popcorn!  No sign up required and all ages welcome.

Lastly, for those with kiddos who need a smaller, more adaptable story time – Sensory Friendly Story Time meets next on February 3rd and is held the FIRST Friday of the month from 10-10:45am.  This story hour is limited to 5 children, so call the library to register.

Last Update: Jan 19, 2017 11:35 pm CST

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