Summer School Takes Learning to New Heights

Summer School Takes Learning to New Heights

SPOONER, Wis -- The summer school line-up includes some never before experiences, so gear up to register your children grades PreK to 12th grade.

Spooner, May 4, 2017: Summer School classes begin June 19 and run Monday through Thursday until June 29. Most class offerings run mornings or afternoons for one week for two hours. There are more summer school classes offered this year than last, which gives a student more options for taking different classes in the two week time span. Extra classes are also listed in the Summer School booklet, and generally run outside the regular summer school schedule. Class categories range from the arts, engineering, science, and technology.

Some of the Summer School classes being held are Fantastic Dinosaurs and Fossils, Building Bridges (K’Nex), Stop Motion, ‘Arf’ the musical, and Kitchen Science! Special opportunities include Shooting Stars STEM Day Camp (computer game designing and coding, engineer and design a Thermal Protection System to help astronauts and create an egress system); a day trip to Wolf Ridge/Adventure Zone, Hunter’s Safety, Piano Lessons and Artistic Welding! Adults may want to check out three classes listed in the PreK to Adults section!

Don’t miss your chance to spend time with friends and jumpstart your summer to remember! Registration is now open with two options available to sign up - online at or return registration forms to elementary or middle school offices by May 12th. Spots fill quickly, class sizes are limited. Do not delay in registering.

~ Summer School 2017 ~

Take Learning to New Heights!

  • June 19-29
  • Mondays-Thursdays
  • Mornings 8-10, 10:15-12:15 and Afternoons 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Boost Up to a Great Year

  • August 7 – 17
  • 9 a.m. – 11:20 a.m.

For more information on summer school, or other Spooner Area Community Education opportunities, contact Karen Collins, Community Education Coordinator, at 715-635-0243, or email Watch Facebook for special announcements also.

Last Update: May 04, 2017 11:35 am CDT

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