'Text Neck' - Reading This May Aggravate Your Teenager

'Text Neck' - Reading This May Aggravate Your Teenager

Extended use of cell phones and tablets has led to an increase in "Text Neck" and "iPosture". These terms refer to holding one's electronic device down below eye level causes a reversal of the natural curvature of the spine. When looking down over an extended period of time the spine is curved creating a significant compression of the spinal column. This can lead to debilitating pain. This unnatural cervical curvature is termed cervical kyphosis. Over time, repeated compression can cause early onset osteoarthritis, bulging discs, and just plain old soreness. 

Symptoms of text neck

  • Neck/upper back pain
  • Numbness/ tingling in the fingers
  • Headaches 
  • Jaw pain 
  • Curved back

Tips to reduce "Text Neck" 

  • Limit time on devices!  
  • Bring the device up to eye level;

Rather than staring down at the device, bring it up to eye level. While you have the device up in this resting position, gently pull your shoulder blades together, by pulling the shoulder blades back slightly you will feel your spine naturally lengthen to a correct position. It will feel strange at first but over time you will have less pain and the position will be more natural. I know it is hard these days as we seem so interconnected to our devices, but limiting time used is the number one way to reduce pain and injuries associated with "Text Neck". 

If you or someone you know is beginning to suffer from signs of text neck; Spooner Physical Therapy and Rehab Specialists can help!

An evaluation for text neck will include a full postural assessment, examination of surrounding soft tissue structures, spinal alignment and when necessary, X rays to determine the extent of the damage. 

Treatment will consist of massage and other modalities such as ultrasound, postural corrective techniques, and spinal mobilizations. Treatment will help but the only true solution is to reduce the compression on the spine by holding the device correctly. 

Last Update: Jul 26, 2017 10:25 am CDT

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