Wisconsin Police Association: Urgent Call to Action on 'Duty Death Benefit Bill'

Wisconsin Police Association: Urgent Call to Action on 'Duty Death Benefit Bill'

Today, Sen. Van Wanggaard is filing a motion with the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance (JCF) to include the Duty Death Benefit Bill (SB 97) as an amendment to the state budget. SB 97 would provide the survivors of officers killed in the line of duty with the ability to maintain their health insurance. The bill has unanimously passed the State Senate in each of the last three legislative sessions, but the Assembly has refused each time to even give the bill a hearing. The JCF is the committee that considers the budget before it goes to the full Legislature for a formal vote, and given the fact that Wisconsin has tragically lost three officers in just the last year, in addition to the fact that it’s National Police Week, the motion before the JCF today faces a significant step, BUT ONLY WITH YOUR IMMEDIATE HELP!

Please telephone your legislators and/or those on the JCF AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to urge that they SUPPORT this motion, which is being formally made by Sen. Leah Vukmir. 

You can find the legislators that represent you and the contact information for all state lawmakers by going to the Legislature's website (below). Anyone calling may well have to leave a message, but that will help, and our elected officials need to hear from you! 

The legislators on the JCF are as follows: 


Last Update: May 18, 2017 2:26 pm CDT

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