
Three More Cases Of COVID-19 Confirmed In Barron County

This brings the total positive cases for Barron County to 10

Three More Cases Of COVID-19 Confirmed In Barron County

Press Release

Three more cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed. This brings the total positive cases for Barron County to 10. Six have recovered. Four are isolating at home. Of the three new cases, two had recently traveled to a neighboring state. The third was a close contact of a positive case in another jurisdiction. These three cases were not tested at the Turtle Lake site on May 3 and 4.

“We know people are anxious to get back to normal, said Laura Sauve Health Officer for Barron County, but this is a good reminder that COVID-19 is still here and we need to continue to stay the course.” “We ask that you continue to stay home as much as possible, keep at least six feet away from anyone not living in your home and wash your hands often.”

Public Health conducts extensive contact tracing will all positive cases. Anyone who has been in close contact with a positive case will be notified by Public Health.

Positive cases of COVID-19 are only reported to the County in which the person permanently lives. All ten individuals who have tested positive in Barron County have been Barron County residents.

For more information on COVID-19 call 211 or visit:

You can also follow Barron County Public Health or Wisconsin Department of Health Services on Facebook.

Last Update: May 07, 2020 1:45 pm CDT

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