SPOONER, WI -- Join DrydenWire.com Founder Ben Dryden as he welcomes Democrat candidate for Wisconsin’s 30th Assembly District, Sarah Yacoub, on for a live video podcast Thursday morning!
The live-streaming show is scheduled to start at 8:30a on Thursday, September 1, 2022, on DrydenWire’s Facebook page (fb.com/drydenwire).
Note: If you’re unable to watch live, a recording will be published on DrydenWire’s YouTube channel and website later in the day.
Learn more about Sarah and her campaign here, or, you know, just watch the show!
Sarah's Story (via website bio).
The daughter of two research scientists, Sarah understood from a very young age the value of critical thinking and problem solving. Her willingness to question what’s in front of her, and strive for what’s right - not what’s easiest - remains a constant in her journey to stand up for those who need it most. Whether working to provide no-cost legal representation to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence, or working to instill values of kindness and faith in her children, Sarah always shows up with the determination of a momma bear protecting her cubs.
After receiving a J.D. and passing the California Bar, Sarah went to work at the LA County District Attorney’s Office. She got hands on experience with the good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between. While she would never trade the experience and perspective she gained on the job, Sarah knew that she wanted a different environment for her kids to grow up in. She wanted them to know open space, cozy winters, and strong family values.
Sarah currently resides in Hudson with her husband, a biomedical physicist at the University of Minnesota, and their children. God and scripture play an active role in their family life. Sarah believes that faith serves as a guiding light through troubled waters and the complexities of being human. Sarah believes strongly in faith as a tool for self-improvement, not a weapon of condemnation to use against others or excuse upon which to deny anyone rights afforded under the law.
Bearing witness to the suffering and hardships faced by so many throughout her career solidified Sarah's commitment to helping those who need it most. Given the failures of current leadership, from healthcare to the economy to the justice system, Sarah believes that running for Assembly in Wisconsin’s 30th District is the path through which she can make the biggest difference in her community.
Sarah brings the life experience, values and intregity to be a committed public servant.
Last Update: Sep 01, 2022 10:41 am CDT