Tiffany Calls For Resignation Of Governor Evers

"Decent people are fed up. Governor Evers has ignored this crisis for weeks"

Tiffany Calls For Resignation Of Governor Evers

Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, U.S. Representative Tom Tiffany (WI-07) issued the following statement in response to mob violence in Madison on Tuesday, including the physical assault of a state lawmaker, vandalism of the State Capitol and the defacing and destruction of historic statues.

“Americans are alarmed and disgusted by what has now become nearly a month of sustained lawlessness, bedlam, rioting and violence. Radical extremists and their enablers – including Governor Evers – continue to refer to these outrageous mob tactics as 'protest.' They are not. Property damage, destruction and physical assault are not legitimate forms of political discourse. They are criminal acts.”

“Decent people are fed up. Governor Evers has ignored this crisis for weeks. He has disregarded clear warning signs and repeated incidents of looting, mayhem and intimidation. He has stood idly by as the State Capitol was damaged, statues and monuments were defaced and destroyed, and State Street mobbed by looters and vandals. The governor has demonstrated time and time again that he is unwilling to prevent these unrelenting attacks on our safety, our property and our way of life. His silence is deafening, and his inaction is unacceptable. If he cannot or will not regain control of the streets, he should resign immediately. Enough is enough.”

“These attacks have been personal for me, as they have for many Wisconsinites. During my time in the legislature I often walked past these iconic statues and monuments dedicated to our state’s heroes, stopping to read the inscriptions and reflect on their importance to the values that have shaped our state. Hans Christian Heg was an immigrant committed to the abolitionist cause who fought to defend the Union, end slavery and advance the cause of civil rights. ‘Forward’ commemorates the noble cause of women’s suffrage, which Wisconsin was the first state to ratify more than a century ago. They are monuments to the righteous struggles of our forebearers, and part of our shared heritage.”

“These mob attacks on our history and our institutions have nothing to do with equality or police brutality. They are a vicious and illegal assault on the foundations of our democratic institutions and our free and open society, and public officials who refuse to stand up against those seeking to destabilize and destroy these institutions should resign from their positions of public trust.”

Last Update: Jun 25, 2020 10:04 am CDT

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