Tiffany Calls For Thorough Investigation Into Election Improprieties Unveiled In State Assembly Hearing

Rep. Tom Tiffany released a video statement calling for an investigation into the reports of improprieties during the November 2020 election

Tiffany Calls For Thorough Investigation Into Election Improprieties Unveiled In State Assembly Hearing

Press Release

WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Rep. Tom Tiffany (WI-07) released a video statement calling for an investigation into the reports of improprieties during the November 2020 election that were unveiled during the Wisconsin State Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections hearing.

The report shows that in Green Bay, WI a group led by Democratic Party campaign operatives and financed by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg were allowed to take an active role in running the city's elections and were given access to the the main location where ballots were counted by the Mayor of Green Bay.

“Clean elections and ballot integrity are the bedrock of our democracy. We definitely don’t want the keys to our elections machinery handed over to the army of partisan political operatives that these Silicon Valley billionaires finance.”

“Democrats in Congress want to take this brazen brand of local election interference national. Speaker Pelosi has already muscled legislation through the House – despite bipartisan opposition – that would expand ballot harvesting, undermine state voter ID laws, and even pour public dollars into the campaign accounts of wealthy politicians, ad consultants and well-heeled political operatives.”

“We can’t let that happen, and we need to get to the bottom of what happened in Green Bay to make sure that what happened in Wisconsin last November never happens again.”

Watch the video here:

Last Update: Mar 12, 2021 2:27 pm CST

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