
Tom Tiffany: Remember The Meaning Of Independence Day

"Even though our 4th of July celebrations may look slightly different this year, I encourage you to remember the meaning of Independence Day." - Tiffany

Tom Tiffany: Remember The Meaning Of Independence Day

On July 4, 1776, our founders made a pivotal decision to protect the liberties and freedoms of American citizens by declaring Independence from Great Britain.

Opportunity. Prosperity. Freedom. Civil society. These American liberties were secured and fought for by our tested leaders to guarantee a prosperous future for America.

As we gather around the table with our families this 4th of July, it is more important than ever to remember the liberties fought for by our forefathers and appreciate the opportunities created by American freedom.

Growing up in Northern Wisconsin on a small dairy farm, I learned first-hand the opportunities American liberty can provide. Hard work was the backbone of my childhood and the American dream was our driving force.

When I decided to run for Congress last year, it was my goal to protect freedom, opportunity, liberty, and ultimately the American dream, for my family and yours. This 4th of July, as our nation is facing difficult times, it is these foundational principles of our United States that will bring us back towards prosperity.

COVID-19 created challenging conditions for Wisconsin citizens and business owners, but Wisconsinites are resilient people. I work hard every week in Washington to ensure Wisconsin families have the tools necessary to push through these tough times. Reducing the spread of the virus, while fully reopening our economy, is my priority and commitment to Wisconsin citizens.

Even though our 4th of July celebrations may look slightly different this year, I encourage you to remember the meaning of Independence Day.

Honoring our men and women overseas, standing in reverence of our flag, and celebrating our freedom is the key to keeping the spirit of Independence Day in each of our hearts. America is the most incredible country in the world and we should celebrate her glory with honor on this 4th of July.

Teach your children that because they have the chance to live in the land of the free, because of the brave, they will have every opportunity to make a positive impact on our country. I want my daughters, Karlyn, Lexie, and Kathrine, to understand that because of the freedoms America provides, they each have the opportunity to create a prosperous life for themselves and their future families.

Patriotism of this kind, in the current state of our nation, is rarely seen with the valor and glory it once was. As I continue to defend our American freedoms in Washington against excessive regulations and government oversight, I encourage you to keep a love of country alive at home.

Northern Wisconsinites are the strongest, most resilient people I have ever known. COVID-19 may have set us back a few steps, but Wisconsin is on the road towards recovery.

This Independence Day, let’s continue working hard to reopen our American economy, protect our American liberties, and remember the history of our beautiful America.

Tom Tiffany serves Wisconsin’s 7th District in Congress.


Last Update: Jul 03, 2020 10:49 am CDT

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