
Traffic Stop Leads to OWI 5 Charges for Burnett County Man

Traffic Stop Leads to OWI 5 Charges for Burnett County Man

Charges of Operating While Intoxicated 5th Offense have been filed against a Danbury, WI man following a recent traffic stop in the Village of Webster, WI.

Randy Staples has been charged with Class G Felony 5th Offense Operating While Intoxicated (OWI) and Misdemeanor Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Burnett County Circuit Court.

According to a criminal complaint filed against Staples, on August 26, 2018 at around 1:30a, a police officer for the Village of Webster in Burnett County stopped a silver Buick after seeing it cross not only the white line on the road, but also cross the centerline while travelling through the Village.

The Officer identified the driver of the vehicle as Randy Staples. Staples agreed to do field sobriety tests. The criminal complaint states that the Officer noticed the odor of alcohol coming from Staples’ breath. Staple told the Officer that he had a few beers while watching a band play in Hertel, WI earlier that night.

Staples was not able to complete the field sobriety tests and was arrested for OWI. A preliminary test of Staples’ breath gave a result of .19.

The criminal complaint goes on to state that the Officer found several empty “Redds” bottles in the trunk of the vehicle. The Officer also noticed the smell of marijuana. In the center console of the vehicle, the Officer saw several prescription bottles. While attempting to locate Staples’ prescription for Lyrica, the Officer saw that two of the prescription bottles contained baggies with a green leafy substance in them which later tested positive for THC (marijuana). In addition, the Officer found a green pipe with burnt substance in it.

Staples was taken to the Burnett County Jail and booked in. He was later taken to the Burnett Medical Center for an evidentiary blood draw that he consented to. The results of that blood test are not known to DrydenWire.com at this time.

Staples was previously convicted for OWI on March 7, 1994 and May 5, 1995; both in the State of Florida. In addition, Staples has prior convictions for OWI on December 12, 2002 and September 20, 2004 in Burnett County, WI.

Online circuit court records show that on August 28, 2018, Staples was placed on a $500 cash bond at a bail hearing in Burnett County Circuit Court. He appeared most recently on September 12, 2018 for an Initial Appearance on his charges, and is scheduled to appear next in November, 2018.

Pursuant to the direction of the Wisconsin Supreme Court, as found in Supreme Court Rule 20:3.6, Trial Publicly, you are advised that a charge is merely an accusation and that a defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty.

Last Update: Sep 14, 2018 6:04 pm CDT

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Crime & Court

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