On Sunday, March 11th, Spooner's Boy Scout Troop 104 welcomed in four new scouts from Pack 62. Christoper Bowe, Noah Witt, Cody Packer, and Michael Beggs completed the requirements to earn the Arrow of Light, the highest honor in Cub Scouts, and then bridged into Troop 104.
Troop 104 and Pack 62 would like to thank Arrow Building Center and Carl Manning for the donation of lumber, Dan Manning and Carl for their time and skill in crafting the beautiful new bridge used during the ceremony. Thanks to Shell Lake Police Chief David Wilson for taking the time to speak, Graphic Wood Technologies for printing and donating programs, Bernicks Pepsi for their donation of pop, the Roost for preparing the food, and everyone that helped and came out to celebrate with the new Scouts.
The beautiful ceremony led by the boys from Troop 104 and banquet was a wonderful way to celebrate the boys' hard work and accomplishments. Congratulations to them!
Last Update: Mar 13, 2018 10:08 am CDT