
Two Positive COVID-19 Cases Recovered And Released From Isolation

The first two people to test positive for COVID-19 in Barron County have recovered.

Two Positive COVID-19 Cases Recovered And Released From Isolation

Press Release

The first two people to test positive for COVID-19 in Barron County have recovered. They have been released from isolation.

This means they no longer pose a risk of spreading the illness. Individuals who recover from COVID-19 still need to follow the Safer At Home orders. Staying home as much as possible and keeping 6 feet away from others.

The State and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) set guidelines on when a person who tests positive for COVID-19 can be released from isolation. In order to be released three things must happened:

  • 1) It must be at least 7 days since the symptoms started, and
  • 2) They must be free of fever without using fever reducing medications for 3 days (72 hours), and
  • 3) Symptoms of acute illness, such as cough or fatigue, must be improving.

Public health closely monitors all positive cases of COVID-19 in Barron County. We work with individuals to help limit any further spread.

Public Health has the authority to take necessary measures to ensure those who test positive stay in isolation.

We work with local partners to make sure the people in isolation have what they need without having to go out.

Last Update: Apr 09, 2020 4:12 pm CDT

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