Update on Washburn County Area Humane Society Rebuilding

Update on Washburn County Area Humane Society Rebuilding

Over the last several months since the fire in March, many eye-opening lessons have been learned, the most important one being about the kindness, generosity, and concerned interest which has been shown through the wonderful response from the community.  The downside has been the frustration of the ups and downs of insurance settlement procedures and making an all-option decision on rebuilding the animal shelter.  

Thanks to the loyal and capable shelter employees who are willing to work on a minimal basis, a limited shelter situation has been set up and is being maintained.  The employees had cleaned up and were using the outside kennels at the burned building.  Since the fire, they have been caring for incoming strays, fostering incoming animals at times themselves while attempting to find their homes, maintaining a reliable shelter phone service to the public and, if needed, after all proper procedures have been followed, transporting animals to the Northwoods Humane Society in Hayward. 

Board members have been working on all options possible for this project so a community friendly, animal appropriate and efficient, financially useful shelter can be rebuilt.  A variety of land options have been looked into, existing buildings to renovate have been considered, and remaining in the same location has been discussed.  Building demolition bids have been taken, shelter and building designers and a contractor have been contacted.  There have been meetings with City of Spooner individuals, attendance at City Council meetings, and meetings with other area animal shelter personnel who have experienced building projects.  Financial institutions have been contacted if additional funding is necessary, donating to and involvement in fundraisers, and attempting to locate and set up a better temporary shelter are what the Board members have been doing.  By checking into all the necessary procedures, options, and realities of this rebuilding project, it has taken time.  

Because of the limited operation of the temporary facility, there are no specific shelter hours, so please call the shelter phone number, 715-635-4720, with any animal questions or concerns.  The Spooner Police Department, who have been very helpful throughout this last several  months, may also be contacted.

Thank you to all who in any way have donated or are planning to donate to the WCAHS Fire Fund.  There will be a shelter, and, from reading above, you now understand why it has been difficult and been taking time to finalize the plan.  Cash and check donations are still being collected at the Spooner Vet Office, a check may be sent through the mail addressed to Washburn County Area Humane Society, PO Box 328, Spooner, WI 54801, or another option would be a donation on the website/Facebook to the GoFundMe account. 

Last Update: Aug 07, 2017 9:17 am CDT

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