New Information: Body Recovered on Long Lake

New Information: Body Recovered on Long Lake

[Editor's Note: Although we have confirmed the name of the individual recovered, we have chosen to not publish that information at this time] 

One vehicle is believed to have fallen through the ice on Long Lake last night, Tuesday, January 24, 2017. 

The vehicle is believed - but is unconfirmed at this time - to be a red Chevy Blazer.  The vehicle was reported to have fallen into the water to the Washburn County Sheriff's Office at approximately 6:30 p.m.  According to a Barron County log report, at 7:38 p.m., the Washburn County Sheriff's Office requested to Barron County for Lakeview Medical Center to stand by for a possible vehicle through the ice.

Divers from Sawyer County were also requested to assist, but the search was ultimately postponed until daylight today, Wednesday, January 25, 2017.

[UPDATE 1 of 3] 8:03 a.m. - Washburn County Sheriff Terry Dryden issued the following statement this morning.

Washburn County Sheriff's Dispatch recieved a call about 06:30 last night about a possible vehcile going through the ice on Long Lake, Town of Long Lake. It is believed that in fact a vehicle went through the ice and it is believed the driver of the vehicle is in the vehicle. Washburn County Sheriff's Office along with WI DNR, Sawyer County Dive Team and Birchwood Fire will be attempting to locate the person and the vehicle this morning. No other information will be released at this time. - Sheriff Dryden

[UPDATE 2 of 3] 10:42 a.m. - One body has been recovered.  The vehicle has not been recovered as of 10:40 a.m. Water believed to be approximately 25' deep at the location where vehicle fell through the ice - approximately 40' off the shoreline.  

[UPDATE 3 of 3] 1:48 p.m. - Sheriff Issues News Release on Long Lake Fatality. 

[Photo Credit: Joe Morey for]

Last Update: Jan 25, 2017 2:03 pm CST

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