
Warren Tuttle: 'My Commitment To You'

"I am prepared, ready, and eager, to be the Sheriff Washburn County deserves."

Warren Tuttle: 'My Commitment To You'

The time is drawing near when you, the citizens of Washburn County, will be electing their next Sheriff. On Tuesday, August 9, 2022, your decision for whom you vote will decide who you want to represent you, and this county, for the next 4 years. This decision is an important one. Your decision on Tuesday will directly affect both the short-term and long-term outcomes of the Sheriff’s Office.

Related: Tuttle Secures Police Fraternity Endorsement For Washburn County Sheriff

I have spent hundreds of hours over the past ten months attending over 110 meetings and events. My goal was to meet with the citizens of Washburn County and find out what their concerns were regarding the Sheriff’s Office. I found that many people did not know who the current Sheriff was. The people shared that they felt that their concerns were ignored by the current Sheriff. They want a Sheriff that will not only listen to them but also who will be transparent about what is happening in Washburn County.

Before I announced my candidacy for Washburn County Sheriff, I thought about what my goals would be and how I would implement those goals. I thought about my management style and how it would fit into the Office of the Sheriff. I looked to the other local Sheriffs that I feel have been successful in their careers. Sheriffs like Tracy Finch from Burnett County and Chris Fitzgerald from Barron County, for example. Why are they successful as Sheriff? Because they are fully invested in their communities. They put in 100% to serve the people of their counties. They do not have other jobs. They are transparent. They are active in their communities. They are engaged. They are relationship builders. They welcome being held accountable to every citizen. Washburn County deserves a Sheriff that shares these values and is fully invested and dedicated to doing the job and serving this great county. I am prepared, ready, and eager, to be that Sheriff Washburn County deserves. The time is now, and we need change!

I have demonstrated my commitment to the people of Washburn County while serving as a Sheriff’s Deputy. Now, and throughout this campaign, I have been taking every opportunity to meet with the citizens of Washburn County. I have sat at your tables and chatted with you on your porches answering your questions and sharing with you my immediate goals for once I am elected as Sheriff. I have walked door to door in every Village and City in this county getting to know you, and hearing from you. In the meantime, the current Sheriff has sat mute. There has been no discussion about what his goals would be for the next four-year term. Nothing!

Lastly, I am proud of the work that all the men and women of the Washburn County Sheriff's Office complete daily. As a Sheriff’s Deputy for Washburn County, I see first-hand their tireless, unwavering commitment to the Office of the Sheriff. It is evident in the professionalism and courage they display every day. We have a great team and they deserve a great leader. I look forward to working with Washburn County’s law enforcement as a team to make improvements that will benefit you - the people we serve.

You and I know how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful county and it would be a privilege to serve you as your next Sheriff so we can move our county forward. I am committed to you, and I am committed to Washburn County.

My name is Warren Tuttle and I would be honored to have your vote this Tuesday.

God Bless.

Elect Warren Tuttle for Washburn County Sheriff

*Paid for by Warren Tuttle For Sheriff*

Last Update: Aug 10, 2022 5:27 am CDT

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