Washburn County Begins County Forest Planning

The County is currently compiling the first draft of 13 chapters contained within the plan.

Washburn County Begins County Forest Planning

Washburn County’s 150,000 acres of publicly owned lands are managed under the guidance of the County Forest Plan. This plan is in place for a 15-year period, which expires at the end of this year. The Washburn County Forestry Department is in the process of writing the first draft of the document that creates County Forest land policy for recreation, forestry, and general management for the 2021-2035 planning period.

Our goal is to have a final draft available for County Board approval by the end of this year.

The County is currently compiling the first draft of 13 chapters contained within the plan. The Forestry, Parks and Recreation Committee will review draft chapters as they are completed and release them to the public for review and comment. Public participation is an important component of this plan, so individuals and groups are asked to participate in the process.

If you wish to be notified of progress of the plan and the release of draft chapters, please contact the Washburn County Forestry Office at (715) 635-4490 or by email at forestry@co.washburn.wi.us.

As we move through this process, the County may develop additional public forums and/or meetings to allow for public participation. We ask that interested parties provide an email address, so we can generate an information distribution list.

Last Update: Feb 26, 2020 10:52 am CST

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