
Washburn County Continues Embrace Funding; Support Of Local Law Enforcement

Washburn County Board Chairman Thomas Mackie issued the following statement

Washburn County Continues Embrace Funding; Support Of Local Law Enforcement

Washburn County Board Chairman, Thomas Mackie, issued a statement on Friday following the recent news regarding Embrace and Washburn County Law Enforcement stating that the county fully supports local law enforcement agencies while continuing to provide needed domestic abuse services to residents. You can read the statement submitted to DrydenWire.com in its entirety below.


We are very fortunate in Washburn County to have Jesse Christianson and Alyssa Melin serving our survivors of domestic and sexual assault violence. Jesse and Alyssa are employees of Embrace, the advocacy, support and shelter agency serving our County and they have passion in working with Washburn County residents in need.

In 2019, Embrace staff served 272 survivors in-person, responded to 787 crisis calls and had over 1,100 contacts with Washburn County survivors overall. Embrace staff also perform a variety of violence prevention programs in the community and schools to help reduce future occurrences of abuse. Embrace (formerly Timeout Abuse Shelter) has been serving Washburn County residents professionally and innovatively for decades and continues to be a strong community partner in Washburn County.

As many residents are aware of, administration from Embrace and our local Law Enforcement agencies may not always be on the same page in regard to current hot topic issues. Washburn County continues to support and very much appreciate the very important services that all our law enforcement agencies and Embrace provide and we’re hoping to continue a mutually beneficial relationship. In the meantime, Washburn County will continue to fund Embrace to ensure our residents in need continue to receive the services they need.

Thomas Mackie

Washburn County Board Chairman

Last Update: Oct 16, 2020 12:44 pm CDT

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