
Will Martin: 'Let's Get The Badger State Open For Business Again!

"We need to get Wisconsin Open for Business"

Will Martin: 'Let's Get The Badger State Open For Business Again!

What does getting the Badger State “OPEN FOR BUSINESS” mean to you?

Remember the “OPEN FOR BUSINESS” signs Wisconsin used to feature along the gateway corridors into the state?

The signs were taken down in recent years, but it is not just about the pieces of wood. I hear from owners across the state how hard it has become to do business here; some have already signaled they are considering leaving. That is unacceptable.

I am running for Lt. Governor to create a business-friendly environment and get the Badger State back open for business. Here's what it means for me:

  • cutting the state tax and regulatory burdens
  • selling unnecessary state government properties & returning them to the tax rolls
  • setting strict timelines for state government to review business-related submissions with automatic approvals when deadlines are missed
  • accelerating digital connectivity across rural Wisconsin
  • reincorporating vocational education across K-12 systems & creating more significant work opportunities with the private sector
  • expanding opportunities for high school students to earn Wisconsin technical college credit
  • ensuring every 2- and 4-year college student is exposed to and/or paired with a Wisconsin company that needs the student's skill sets & would be interested in hiring (before) upon graduation
  • attracting former Wisconsinites back to the state
  • restoring other talent attraction initiatives, including attracting personnel and their families transitioning out of military service
  • supporting more persons with disabilities entering & thriving in the workplace
  • creating more innovative public-private partnerships to address barriers to returning to the workforce, including childcare
  • incentivizing public-private investment in Wisconsin's entrepreneurial sectors as well as in expanding housing, economic, and workforce development

Wisconsin already spends nearly $44 billion annually to operate state government, and that is up by $11.5 billion since Tony Evers became Governor.

Getting the Badger State “OPEN FOR BUSINESS” means creating a more business-friendly environment by reducing state taxes & regulations; modernizing state government & eliminating duplication across multiple agencies; attracting, growing & retaining a world-class workforce; and prioritizing investments to fuel future economic growth across rural and urban Wisconsin.

Will Martin is a candidate seeking the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor. In addition to being a small business owner for 20 years and advising government and private-sector agencies in Great Britain, The Netherlands, and Israel, Martin has served in multiple senior leadership roles for Governors Thompson and Walker.

Learn more at: will4ltgovernor.com


*Paid for by: Will Martin for Lt. Governor*

Last Update: Aug 08, 2022 2:55 pm CDT

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