Wisconsin Emergency Operations Center: Tornado Incident Report 4

Wisconsin Emergency Operations Center: Tornado Incident Report 4

Report #4 5-18-2017  

Another series of severe storms moved across Wisconsin yesterday afternoon and evening, causing damage to buildings, down trees and power lines. More than a dozen counties are reporting damage from those storms and cleanup has begun. Heavy rain from some of those storms triggered flood warnings for various locations across the state. Meantime, damage assessments and recovery continues from the tornado that struck northwestern Wisconsin. The path of that tornado stretched 70 miles and was a category EF-2 (120-130mph).

Flooding: Flood Warnings continue for several lakes and streams across the state including:

  • Southeastern Ashland County
  • West Central Iron County
  • Jackson County (Black River from Black River Falls to Galesville)
  • Lincoln and Marathon Counties (Wisconsin River, Big Rib River) 
  • Trempealeau County (Buffalo and Trempealeau Rivers)
  • Juneau and Wood County (Yellow River) 

Barron County: Three damage assessment teams are in the field today. Volunteers interested in helping clean up the Prairie Lakes Estates Mobile Home Park must register at St. Peter’s Catholic Church in Cameron. Volunteers can assist on Friday – Sunday. Volunteers must be over 18 years of age and must wear appropriate clothing including closed toe shoes.

A Multi-Agency Response Center (MARC) is opening Friday to provide assistance to storm victims. The center will provide a variety of community services. The MARC will be located at the Mosaic Telecom in Cameron and will be open from 11:00 am – 8:00 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. 

Financial donations to assist storm victims are being collected at Mosaic Telecom locations. At this time, they are not collecting items such as clothing, furniture, etc.   Barron County residents that have questions regarding the disaster can call 211 to report damage or share resources. 

Rusk County: Crews continue conducting damage assessments across the county. Officials report one home destroyed, two with major damage and 24 with minor damage. Initial residential damage estimate is $378,000. Several roads remain closed due to localized flooding. 

Jackson County: Damage assessments to roads damaged by flooding continue. Initial road damage estimates are $50,000, but costs may increase after water recedes and more roads are surveyed. 

Trempealeau County: Damage is reported in the Town of Gale and the North Bend area from last night’s storms. Several barns and other buildings were damaged. The National Weather Service is surveying the damage to see if this was due to a tornado or straight line winds.

Shawano County: Officials are reporting dozens of homes and building with storm damage that occurred last night in the Loon Lake / Shawano Lake area. County emergency management along with the National Weather Service officials are surveying damage this morning.

Last Update: May 18, 2017 12:22 pm CDT

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