In Memory of Byron K. Butler
Byron K. Butler, age 47, of LCO, died Friday, November 25, 2022.
Byron Keith Butler was born July 2, 1975, in Hayward, the son of Vernon Quagon and Phyllis Butler.
He grew up and attended school in Hayward then attended computer classes at LCO College. Byron’s one great interest was anything to do with electronics. He like to tinker around with things such as radios, computers and tv’s.
He is survived by his brothers Timothy Jason “TJ” Paul & Vernon Quagon Jr.; sister Tina Marie Trepanier; uncles L. Michael (Sylvia) Butler, Arthur “Dan” (Louise Chandler) Butler & Floyd Bruce (Sharon) Butler; and aunt Bev (Rob) Engesether.
Byron was preceded in death by his parents; grandparents Arthur M. Buter & Marion (Cloud) Butler; and sister Charissa Lynn Butler.
A Memorial Gathering will be held from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon, Wednesday, December 7, 2022, at Pineview Funeral Service in Hayward.
Last Update: Dec 05, 2022 3:01 pm CST