In Memory of Evangeline Schadow
Evangeline Marie Schadow, (Vangie), 90, of Luck, Wisconsin walked into the loving arms of her Lord and Savior on September 5, 2020.
Vangie was born on April 25, 1930, in Frederic, Wisconsin to Andrew and Signe Fiske. “Hootie”, as she was endearingly called, spent her growing up years in Trade River, Wisconsin, attending the Trade River Evangelical Free Church with her family. When she was nine years old, during a church service, she knew she needed Jesus, and she accepted Him as her Savior. At age eleven, she lost her father to cancer. She graduated from Grantsburg High School in 1948, where she enjoyed playing trombone in the high school band.
Following graduation, she married Johnnie Schadow on September 3, 1948, in Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. Johnnie and Vangie shared 50 loving years of marriage before Johnnie went home to the Lord in early 1999. They were blessed with four children: Roger, Randy, Kim and Julie. During her working years, Vangie was employed by MPM Plastics and by the telephone company, both located in Frederic.
Vangie loved being a wife, mom, and grandmother. She had a passion for gardening and always had a large, beautiful garden. She was an excellent cook—nothing compared to her famous strawberry-rhubarb pie and her homemade breads, of all kinds. She loved having friends drop by for coffee. Music was at the top of her joys. Singing around the piano while harmonizing with her brother Bud and sister Carolyn was a delight to her. She loved gospel bluegrass! She spent many weekends at bluegrass festivals with Johnnie as well as Sunday evenings in the summer at Skonewood Christian Retreat Center enjoying gospel bluegrass concerts. She excelled in working jigsaw puzzles at record speed and was a sure winner in Dominoes.
Vangie had a heart for others, and was deeply loved in return. One example of this could be seen during the years she lived at Maple View Apartments in Luck. When her own vehicle was beyond repair, a generous and loving individual gifted a car to her. Vangie was exceptionally grateful for the vehicle, which afforded her continued independence. Additionally, she cared about her friends living in the apartments, some of whom had no means of getting to the local grocery store, Wayne’s Foods. She would often drive the three blocks to Wayne’s five days a week and sometimes more than once a day to help her friends. She was a beloved and familiar face at Wayne’s and continued driving her friends until just over a month ago.
Most of all, Vangie loved her Savior, Jesus Christ, and she so longed for heaven. One of the ways she expressed her love for Jesus and her longing to be with Him was by quoting frequently the following lyrics to “What a Day That Will Be,” to family, friends, and many others with whom her path crossed:
What a day that will be, when my Jesus I shall see, When I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace, When He takes me by the hand, and leads me to the Promised Land, What a day, glorious day that will be! There'll be no sorrows there, and no more burdens to bear, No more sickness and no more pain, no more parting over there, And forever I will be, with the One who died for me, What a day, glorious day that will be!
Vangie was preceded in death by her: parents, Andrew and Signe Fiske; husband, Johnnie Schadow; son, Randy Schadow, and daughter, Julie Richter. She is survived by her: brother, Gordon (Bud) Fiske; sister, Carolyn (Sis) Wilhite; son, Roger Schadow and wife, Rose; daughter-in-law, Gail Schadow; daughter, Kim Schadow; son-in-law David Richter, and wife, LaVonne.
Vangie will be dearly missed by her family—children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great great grandchildren, siblings, nieces, and nephews, along with a host of other relatives and friends.
Sincere thanks to David and LaVonne Richter and family for opening their home to Vangie with their loving care for her during the last season of her earthly life…all the way up until that “day, glorious day” when her Jesus she did see!
A celebration of life service will be held in Vangie’s honor at East Balsam Baptist Church (1816 108th Street, Balsam Lake, Wisconsin 54810) on Saturday, September 19 at 11 a.m. with a memorial visitation, also at the church, one hour prior. Lunch will follow the service. Memorial gifts will be given to Skonewood Christian Retreat Center.
Last Update: Sep 13, 2020 6:45 pm CDT