In Memory of Kay Christensen-Sigsworth
Kay Christensen-Sigsworth, age 72 of Amery, WI passed away on Saturday, April 1, 2023 at her home in Amery.
The following was written by Kay as she wanted to share her obituary in her own words.
I was born on March 27, 1951 in New Richmond, WI to Brass and Alice Christensen. I spent my childhood on a farm named “Fairdale”. I shared it with 7 siblings, Owen, Carmen, Mary, Beverly, Nolan, Lyla and Richard, of which 4 survived, Bev, Lyla, Richard and Owen. They were and are the best! I met and spent the next 53 years with Chuck Sigsworth. As in all marriages, there were ups and downs, mostly ups. He promised “To love and cherish, til death do us part.” And he did! I love the life we shared Hon! When I married Chuck, I got another family, the Sigsworths. We’ve had a lot of fun and sad times together. Thanks for the memories. I had 2 sons, Chad (Stacy) and Todd (Sara). I could tell many stories, but I just want to say what wonderful young men they’ve grown to be-thoughtful, hardworking, kind and caring. They’ve been such a blessing to me. I was even more blessed with grandchildren, Derek, Reese, Bailey, Cheyanne, Austin and Paige. And great grandchildren Ryne, Brier, Cason, Aella, Kylan, Grace and Gemma. They have brought me so much joy. I spent 43 years doing in-home daycare, a job I loved. I met some of the most wonderful parents and children, many of which remain today. I was fortunate to work at a job I loved doing for so long. Not everyone is that lucky! I’ve always thought the best thing in life were to love and be loved. I feel I achieved that. I truly had “a wonderful life!"
A Celebration of life for Kay will take place on Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 11 am to 4 pm at the Amery Community Center.
Last Update: Apr 04, 2023 3:04 pm CDT