In Memory of Mary Alma Johnson
Mary Alma Johnson, was born on December 5, 1932, in Stephenville, Newfoundland.
She entered her heavenly home on December 10, 2022, just days after celebrating her 90th birthday.
She was a loving mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and a faithful believer in Jesus.
Alma, was the second child of Aurelius Joseph Millege and Mary Evangeline White. Following the loss of their father to tuberculosis, Alma (age 5 years) and sisters, Loretta and Ina, were placed in the Belvedere Convent and Orphanage (also known as St. Michael’s Orphanage) in St. John’s, Newfoundland. She received her education in the orphanage over the next 8 years. She returned to Port Saunders and worked various jobs until at 16 years of age she headed down the coast to Corner Brook to live with her aunts, Rosetta Penny and Gladys Gould. In Corner Brook she found work at the hospital. After a few years she went to stay with her married sister Loretta Alexander in Stephenville, near her paternal Grandfather White. Alma found employment as a waitress at the Ernest Harmon Air Force Base. It was there that met the love of her life and future husband Verlyn (Bud) Johnson. Bud was the chief foreman/supervisor for the Army Corp of Engineers in the construction of this U.S. air base.
They married on August 16, 1952, in Stephenville. With the coming of their first child, Alma took her first airplane ride to the US and then to Frederic, Wisconsin where Patricia was born. Their second child, Patrick, was born in Corner Brook, Newfoundland. After completion of the air base, the family returned to Wisconsin. Work brought them to Chicago, Illinois where the family grew with the additions of Pamela, Penelope and son Paul. Eventually they made their way back to the Trade River and Grantsburg, Wisconsin area to settle and raise the family.
Mary Alma worked at Northern Manufacturing for many years. Eventually, this would lead her to start her own upholstery business out of her home. In retirement, they sold their house and moved into a duplex in Blossom Acres. When Bud went to the CCC, she moved into Courtyard Square and spent the next twenty plus years baking goodies and treating her many friends and neighbors. Her final move was to the Burnett Medical Continuing Care Center in the spring of 2021.
Alma and Bud spent many winter months in Arizona in the home of her daughter Penny, and son-in-law Bill, enjoying the warmth and sun. She continued to go to Arizona each year after Bud passed in 2001. She also enjoyed trips to Hawaii, Newfoundland, and several states during her time with the Wolf family each year.
Mary Alma enjoyed knitting dresses, mittens, scarves, socks, and sweaters. She was very accomplished in her work, and many paid her to knit wonderful, patterned sweater coats complete with linings and zippers. Sewing was a natural skill she believed came from her grandfather (a tailor) as they both could make clothes without patterns. Her reward was to see us wear her creations proudly.
Friends always enjoyed hearing and laughing of her early tales of marriage and coming to America. She loved to play cards with many of her friends (the Swenson’s, Peers, Judy Moritz, and the Courtyard gals). She enjoyed gardening, puzzles, scrapbooking. She wasn’t afraid to tackle any home project, like the day she put a new window in the house while Dad was working. Above all, she was most proud of and loved her family, and loved to be called Grandma Nan by her great grandchildren.
She is survived by children Patzy (Steve) Wenthe, Pamela (Steve) Geiger, Grantsburg WI, Penny (Bill) Wolf, Prescott Valley AZ, and Paul (Mary Jane) Johnson, Grantsburg WI; daughter-in-law Mary Sue Johnson, Frederic WI. Grandchildren, Jeffrey (Ahnie) Johnson, Homer, Alaska; Jennifer Johnson, Frederic WI; Nicole Geiger, St. Paul, MN; Jason (Sam) Geiger, Chippewa Falls, WI; Michael Geiger, St Croix Falls, WI; William Geiger (Emily) Eau Claire WI; Chris (Allie) Wolf, Virginia Beach, VA; Julian & Emily Wolf , Virginia Beach, VA; Dan (Annie) Johnson, Alexandria MN; James (Amber)Johnson, Rochester MN; Kyle (Jenna) Johnson, Frederic WI; and (10) great grandchildren Brantley, Avril, Axel, Ila, Wyn, Jayden, Easton, Oaklee, Kroy, & Scarlett. Siblings: Joseph White, Toronto, Canada; Pete Kennedy, Port Saunders, Nfld, Canada; Francis White, Port Saunders, Nfld, Canada; Ann Gregory, Tarpon Springs, Florida; Dorothy Kennedy, Margaret Dobbins, and Rosemary House all of Port Saunders, Nfld, Canada. Stepsisters: Annette Kennedy, Clarice Shepherd & Selena MacLean. Many nieces and nephews in both the United States and Canada.
Mary Alma is preceded in death by her husband Verlyn (Bud) Johnson and son Patrick Johnson.
The family is planning a spring celebration of life.
Last Update: Dec 14, 2022 10:22 am CST