In Memory of Milton A. Johnson
Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night could stay the grateful courier soldier, Milton A. Johnson, from the completion of his time on earth – so on August 18, 2024, three days after reaching the well-seasoned age of 100, Milton was delivered to the Lord’s care in the company of loved ones.
You can see and do lot more in 100 years than can be recited here, but he lived through Lindbergh crossing the Atlantic, the Great Depression, WWII (where he served honorably guarding German and Italian POW’s at Fort Meade), Brown v. Board of Education, the deaths of JFK, MLK, RFK, and Nixon’s career – and that was before he reached the half-way point! He spent much of his adult life as the Northwestern Regional Manager of Transportation for the USPS, and retired in 1984, about the time the Sears catalog reached its maximum size. While always an Amery boy at heart, Milton spent much of his grown life in Westminster, Colorado and later South Riding, Virginia, and finally returned to his hometown in 2009.
The man knew loss like few others have ever experienced. In 1987 he and his wife Margaret (Wanner) lost their son Leslie; three years later in 1990, Milton’s brother Walter died. Six years on, Margaret died, and in 2007 his daughter Avis died. His younger brother, Carl, who supported Milton in his grief, died in 2022. Despite all this loss, despite all his grief, he chose a life of forgiveness and gratitude, and kept going by being happy with what he had – and always with a smile.
Milton is survived by his granddaughter Allison Eaton, great-granddaughter Sierra Eaton, nephew Jay Frank, nieces Sharon Ackermann, Susan Hicks, Marlys Benny, and Rose Smith, dear friends Kari and Todd Fladwood, and far too many other extended relatives and friends acquired and treasured over a century to name here.
A Celebration of Life will be held at the Williamson White Funeral Home on August 29, 2024 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. with a prayer service at 5:00 and military honors to follow immediately thereafter outside the funeral home.
Last Update: Aug 26, 2024 12:12 pm CDT